Sunday, November 8, 2009

Sunday Morning Fellowship

Welcome! Fellowship this morning as always was an absolute blessing and I am very thankful to be able to share what I learned with you.

Today we learned about how God sees us. We began in Deuteronomy 34 where Moses, after a long life of 120 years, died without losing any of his sight and without even looking old. He had served God the best he could and accomplished much. Not only because he was a great man of God, but mostly because God saw what was in his heart and gave him great abilities to perform the tasks that God asked of him.

In the next book, the book of Joshua, Joshua is "handed the torch" so to speak. God gives him the huge responsibility of leading the children of Israel across the River Jordan and into the land which God had given them. This must have seemed like an insurmountable task! Just  imagine, your mentor and leader is dead and now God is asking you to finish his work. Are there tasks in your life that seem too big, yet God is asking you to accomplish them anyway? More on that later.

Another similar account comes earlier, before Moses' death, in the book of Exodus (Exodus 3:1-11). When God comes to Moses, charging him with the task of bringing the children of Israel out of Egypt. Now Moses, seeing himself through his own eyes, through the eyes of our five-senses world that so often discourages us, is immediately inquisitive as to how a simple man such as himself is going to accomplish this seemingly impossible task. However, God being the amazing God that He is, assures Moses that He will guide Moses and that He will never let him down. Apparently, God saw Moses as being bigger than he thought himself to be. God saw Moses' heart. Even though Moses did not believe that he could perform the task, God saw that he could and convinced him otherwise. Does God not see us the same way? We have something in us that was not even available in Moses' day, and that is Holy Spirit. Are we not just as capable as Moses was in carrying out the tasks that God asks of us?

Knowing this, we jumped forward to II Corinthians 12:7-10. Paul, through inspiration of God, tells us that by ourselves indeed we are weak, but having God in our lives through Christ we are much more. Paul even goes further to say that he even takes pleasure in infirmities, reproaches and needs so that he can glorify Christ when he overcomes these adversities and experiences deliverance through Him.

Next we looked at I John 4:16-18 where we learn that we must be bold in knowing God's love, for God's love is perfect and knowing that love gives us boldness in the day of judgment.God's love never fails us, it gives us strength in times where we would otherwise fail. With God's perfect love, anything is possible.

So what did I take from this teaching? We all have times in life where we are asked to perform tasks that seem bigger than us. There are times when these tasks are brought to us by God, and there are times when these tasks are brought upon us by ourselves or the world. It is when God is asking us to perform these seemingly insurmountable tasks that we CAN rise to the occasion knowing that God will not let us fail if we only believe in His love. We must believe that God will help us rise to the occasion when He asks us to. It is important that we are able to discern however when it is God asking us to rise to the occasion. Otherwise believing will not help because God is the prime mover of our believing.We respond to God's good Will for us, we do not dictate what God does for us. So we should learn to listen to God's still small voice, and I believe that we will quickly learn that we are capable of so much more than what the world out there tells us! God Bless!

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